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Here a week I try to call in Almaty Office of Public Prosecutor. The assistant to the public prosecutor has given me the phones, even house. Strange one, on the other end a determinant of number and nobody answers, members of household deputy of public prosecutor answer, that it on work. The rules machine will direct again to hush up the case.

In Astana phone in general have constantly borrowed. Some body can try - phone number is 11 42 26 the official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs answer to ours letter-complaint concerning affairs should answer Mr. Osipovich the informed a piece of paper.

Messages to President of Kazakhstan have been send and silence. Simple people could prove the truth only in such way that all spoke about it. Can be at visitors of our site is what is light ideas. Prompt.

Thanks all who grieves together with us. That who has left the records in the guest book.

What we know today from Office of Chief Prosecutor of Almaty. The criminal case was transfer for the further additional investigation in investigatory under Ministry of Internal Affairs. The new investigator from Astana should appear. As have written in the answer from the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the skilled worker. Fairly - the belief already is not present. All has directed on hushing up this business. Today than 100 days already, there are more as guys lay in the ground. The present originator goes, eats, and sleeps and so on. In addition, guys lay in the tombs.
One question to all. Whether there is a truth in Kazakhstan or in general on this "guilty" ground?
Whether will punish Justice Ishchanov Damir and its brother?
In fact, at the wheel sat Damir Ishchanov. Lately the confidence of it only has become stronger also, proofs were added.
The question "Why and on what basis the first head of private enterprise of agrarian and industrial complex is the mayor of city official Hrapunov? What at us under the law private business advises the state?
We have copies of identification cards for name to Damir Ishchanov. In one it the adviser on questions of power mayor Hrapunov. In the friend - the right free is given to it to visit all closed government agencies. Now "is clear", why it on freedom and nobody touches it. Copies of certificates Ishchanov's will be place on pages of the site.

Material of criminal case is send to the State Office of General Prosecutor republic of Kazakhstan.

The collective complaint is send to all addresses. We shall wait the answer from law-enforcement instances. I shall result some items on which it is necessary to institute criminal proceedings inspector Sorokin, as infringe at least four clauses UK RK.

... According to an item 244 UPK RK the victim has the right to get acquainted with the decision about purpose of examination from the moment of its removal, to declare petitions for statement before experts of additional questions, etc.
In infringement of above-stated requirements UPK RK, inspector Sorokin A.G. acquainted us victims with decisions about purpose of examinations simultaneously with certificates of the lead examinations lead on the given decisions, having deprived with us victims, thus our legitimate right for realization of protection of the interests. In addition, inspector Sorokin A.G. acquainted us at once with several decisions and certificates of examinations that deprived with us, victims, and opportunities carefully to study them and to declare corresponding petitions.

... Moreover, inspector Sorokin actually deforms and forges separate materials of criminal case.
So, for example, in the decision about a deviation of the petition of Sorokin A.G. asserts, that
"The party of victims does not challenge that not wishing to get under a motor vehicle, pedestrians moved run ". At that, time, we as, victims, at all did not speak about rate of movement of pedestrians. That pedestrians ran, other interested persons, in particular ISHCHANOV assert. Disappearing from bodies of consequence within 3 days after the perfect incursion. NIKITIN, which hid the person who has committed a crime from bodies of consequence.
Uniqueness of a situation consists that inspector Sorokin A.G., by its decision, in general is the inspector completely incompetent in investigation of road accident as in born the decision on last page does not know who asks a question: "... As well as based on that the inspector can prove to the driver, what pedestrians moved with a speed specified in the directory, instead of is faster?
"... However, showing personal interest. In issue of a suit, inspector Sorokin finds a way out of the given situation. It cannot prove times to the driver then it is necessary to accept those data, which are give it by the same interested driver in spite of the fact that they are absurd from the very beginning, not trying at all to analyze or compare indications of this driver among themselves and to other materials of criminal case.
So in the report of comes and confess one's guilt, from October, 28, 2002 (page.68) ISHCHANOV specified, that it after incursion has left and where was, time does not remember all this.
Interrogated this very day as suspected (page 70) ISHCHANOV. Has explained, that:
"... It seems, meters in ten before me suddenly I have seen any shadow and impact. All has taken place during the moment ".

One more fact, moreover it is not clear, what for inspector Sorokin in infringement about carrying out of investigatory experiment carries out it with ISHCHANOV on December, 14, 2002 for five minutes in the afternoon whereas road accident is accomplished at night in a dark place.

The decision born by "inspector" Sorokin is cancel. I think "hunting" for me will be open on the part of investigatory management by traffic police of Almaty city. We shall live, we shall see…

The complaint addressed to the general prosecutor of republic is ready. We have familiarized with materials of "consequence". Two volumes of an affair it is two volumes of paper for recycling. For yours information! The group on investigation was been created. The group "was "headed" by captain investigator Sorokin. What do in actually the group? Nothing! Sorokin two months drove "snowstorm" and would collect pieces of paper, which have allowed to closed criminal case. Influence and pressure was obvious, and inspector Sorokin has qualification of the first-grader and nothing understands not only in jurisprudence, but also in all the rest, as to work of the investigator. I am surprised, what illiterate people are engaged from which result at times depends so much. To your information, it is also the deputy the chief of a department. What want to speak about the others? It simply horror... I have proofs, that the inspector captain Sorokin has made falsification of materials of consequence and by that has broken clause UK RK.


Latest news. Investigator Sorokin has closed criminal case. Liar driver (Marat Ishchanov) prevent incursion could not. It the base on the certificate of examination. Sorokin has put questions for examination in such a manner that the answer could be only one. Incursion to prevent it was impossible. I have familiarized with criminal case. This is embroidering with "white" threads. On a question to M.Ishchanovu with what speed you went. The answer: I do not remember. In addition, for examination has written: From Ishchanov's words - "speed was about 60 km/h. Hundred % from materials of criminal case are visible that Sorokin from the very beginning had installation on closing of an affair. Continuation follows... What will the general prosecutor of republic answering?

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