In heading, it is possible to put a sign on a question. However, I shall not do it. There is in "soul" a hope that the true originator of tragedy will incur the deserved punishment according to the law. Though... The Law in the fact - "as horse, where you will turn, there and has left ". This is good proverb. Our legislators in parliament have well taught her. In addition, they operate accordingly, by consideration of projects of the Kazakh laws. There is a principle of authority. Who has that and lives. Who pays that and music orders (it not about us with you). In fact, all of us pay taxes and other. We receive not always that we expect.
It was the small foreword to this page. Here (further) during some time I shall try to give news on investigation of an affair about destruction of my son Phillip and its friend Alibek. They with Alibek's studied together at university and were friends after its termination. As friends up to a coffin "speak ". Therefore, it also has left. Phillip has gone that ill starred tragically evening to see off Alibek up to a taxi. But, as you already read a jeep with number And 002 VP on the big speed, not braking (and what for to it to brake, in fact number "criminal") has scattered bodies of two beautiful young guys in the different parties.
The body of my son after impact has flown up on five meters upwards; the jeep has picked up it on a cowl and only through 65 meters has stopped. The body has flown by some more meters forward and roads have fallen in the middle. It not my imagination, it was told to me by eyewitnesses of incident.
The driver, and it was Damir Ishchanov's (on this statement there are all bases) and passenger Maxim Bronislavovich Nikitin have left a jeep. Have looked on bumper, (and it was so) then Damir has approached to a body of my son has looked, has turned villages in the machine, it is accurate its backing has parked to a roadside, has left and has run aside. Then take the cellular telephone and began to call. Its words were... I have brought down the person... Send replacement... Also, take away me from here. I write it not from the words, about it to me eyewitnesses have told. Damir Ishchanov's has - holds a post of the general director of agrarian and industrial complex (Almaty Power Consolidated) and simultaneously is assistants of mayor city Almaty on electric power. As speak in Kazakhstan - the supporter of all "family". What will be with family if the supporter will go for a lattice? Certainly, you are right. Crash to all family together and money will be terminate, and is caviar any more you will not be have.
Yes, I want to tell once again. The panic at Damir Ishchanov was already the three first days. The criminal investigation department in fact searched for it. In addition, there was a script on which consequence works about one today. However, In addition, there will come day when the truth will start talking for itself.
Are made a number of examinations (was even exhumation the bodies of my son). In a bureau of medico legal examination, such "experts" work that with the certificate it is possible to descend in one place. In addition, anybody for what does not answer. Moreover, anybody before does not have an affair. Moreover, some words about decency.
Some people consider (I have in a kind of eyewitnesses), that another's to mountain is another's to mountain. However, in fact all of us go on streets and our children too.
Nobody can give the guarantee, that tomorrow (God forbid certainly) its child or it appears brought down any drunk driver. In addition, mountain too will enter its house as it has come in mine.
Now look at the person of "murderer" of our son and Alibek. It is Damir Ishchanov. Before the death was seems by guys.
I ask you to remember this person. This person of "murderer" to guys under the number 0001.
Yesterday has visited the inspector. The inspector captain Sorokin. It
during two months conducts so-called "investigation" and as it
asserts "objectively". I shall tell to you further with the full
responsibility. "All " is bribed, including examination. Can
present yourself (all of you saw a photo of a jeep) and so speed was about
60 km/h. You represent. What impudence! The expert assumes it. The inspector
as the information for examination testifies a guilty party (Marat Ishchanov).
To explain, how Phillip appeared in 65 meters from a place of impact cannot.
As the jeep appeared at roadside too. From words of inspector Sorokin (and
it leans on indications Marat Ishchanov-to laughter it is similar) ostensibly
it tried to brake, has then become puzzled, has gone and then has again
stopped. It is full bosh. The scheme of road accident is most likely already
changed. All case is false. I am confident on 100 % that Mr. Hrapunov (mayor
of Almaty) has allowed the order to bodies subject to it to hush up this
business. Here to you and the answer to heading of this page. We shall
look, that at them from this will leave... Continuation follows... All
last news you can found in section "News". |